The Sacramental program is Parish-based and follows the guidelines of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. It is separate and distinct from the Faith Formation Program. Its focus is on conversion, both of the person and of the community. It aims to produce a transformation in the person who is to encounter Christ in the Sacrament. Sacramental instruction is limited in time and provides immediate preparation for the celebration of the Sacrament. It never replaces Faith Formation, which is a life long journey of faith.
Confirmation for Young People
There has always been a lot of discussion as to when Confirmation should be celebrated for our young people. Going forward, we will be celebrating this Sacrament at St. Peter’s in Ninth Grade. This may disappoint some families, but every good gift is worth preparing and waiting for, its just one extra year! In Eighth Grade we prepare to graduate from elementary school and get ready for High School. We don’t want to link graduation with confirmation, in case we may think we are graduating from the Church rather than becoming more committed and involved. While ninth grade is busy, it stands alone, and gives our young people more time to focus on the beautiful gift of faith and what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ in today’s world. If you have any questions, please email Charlie Stokes: [email protected].
If you are an adult and were baptized Catholic as a child but have not received your Confirmation, please visit our BECOMING CATHOLIC/RCIA page for more information.